Young children acquire knowledge when they are actively engaged in concrete hands-on experiences. We believe knowledge is constructed through children’s active engagement, rather than “taught” through direct instruction.

Our program provides a nurturing and stimulating environment that promotes the development of the “whole child.” The curriculum is emergent and responsive to the different needs, interests, and abilities of individual children and the group itself.

Our goals are to:

  • Provide an environment that children find engaging, prompts curiosity, stimulates thinking, and promotes intellectual development.
  • Encourage children to develop independence and developmentally-appropriate self-help skills, which builds their sense of confidence and self-esteem.
  • Promote social development by modeling and encouraging pro-social skills, building a sense of community, and encouraging frequent and on-going interactions with adults and children.
  • Support children as they learn to identify and label their feelings and develop self-regulation skills.
  • Provide children with a developmentally appropriate, safe, and engaging experience at school, which promotes a love of learning and prepares them for their future school experiences.
  • Model a respect for our environment and encourage the children, in age-appropriate ways, to care for our planet.
  • Respect parents and families as children’s first teachers, maintain open lines of communication with families, and work cooperatively to support the children.